Monday, February 15, 2010

Cny day 1

Today is my first vday and cny without Keeliang around. One word to describe it-different. How I wish he can be around. Absence indeed makes the heart grow fonder. :)

Anyway, today I had a big swell on my left arm. I suspected that a bee stung me and left it's sting in my flesh. It became so bad that all my relatives could notice it.

Some of them told me to put ice, some say hot water. Some even said vinegar would do the job. Uncle William was the best though. He said ask grandpa to use a knife to cut open the flesh and pull the sting out.

Of course, I D-I-Yed. I forcefully used a tweezer and pulled it out. Indeed, there was a big brownish sting that came out with a venom sac. so my conclustion is, it is a bee sting~ Ewewws!!

Pain!!!! But shiok to have the thorn out of my flesh. Healing in the name of Jesus!! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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